A staffer here at the Chronicle received the Kim Gillan mailing below last week and noticed that it cites the Bozeman Daily Chronicle twice.
It’s embedded below. In case that doesn’t work, [here’s the link](https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B8FqBanMDH47ZmhaMDItS29KZzA).
Let’s look at the quotes and the original stories and see how they compare to the quotes used on the advertisement, shall we?
The ad uses the following quote:
> [Daines’ Company] works with businesses in China … and call centers in India.
The article in question was published Jan. 7, 2006. It’s [available online](http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/news/article_500b2d19-e558-520f-af0a-51e761916fdd.html), though due to a computer glitch its date differs from the one on the ad.
The original article, headlined “Right Now Tech exec to join Baucus on trip to China, India,” describes how Steve Daines was to accompany Montana’s senator on an overseas trip.
Baucus is quoted in the story as saying the trip is about finding jobs for Montanans overseas and “knocking down trade barriers and opening new markets.”
The context for the ad quote is as follows, with the text used in the ad bolded:
> **RightNow already works with businesses in China**, such as Motorola, **and call centers in India**, but Daines said he hopes to expand the international software company’s relationships in those countries.
> “This is a great opportunity to explore new business possibilities abroad that will help boost our economy here at home in Montana,” Daines said.
> RightNow sells “customer relationship management,” or CRM, tools to firms around the world. Its customers include American Express, John Deere, Nikon and British Airways. It has offices across the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan and Australia.
> “RightNow is an example of a homegrown Montana company that has done very, very well,” Baucus said. “That’s what this trip is about — creating more good-paying jobs for Montanans.”
On the other side of the ad, we find four stock photographs with four quotations underneath a header that reads “Victims of Corporate Executive Steve Daines’ layoffs in their own words.”
This side of the Gillan ads cites a Chronicle story from April 10, 2001. The [article](http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/article_22d6545f-1cf9-5099-a061-12f5557761ed.html) was written by Kayley Mendenhall and does, indeed, focus on RightNow layoffs.
Let’s put the four quotes into context.
* Ad: “There was no indication it was going to happen.”
* Story: “It was rather shocking,” [Ann Marie] Gooden said. “It happened this morning, just now, **there was no indication this was going to happen** … I have customers to deal with and I’ve made no preparations.”
Note the one-word difference between the quote and the original.
The second quote comes from the same woman, Ann Marie Gooden. Indeed, it comes from the exact same paragraph in the story.
* Ad: “It was rather shocking … I’ve made no preparations.”
* Story: “**It was rather shocking**,” [Ann Marie] Gooden said. “It happened this morning, just now, there was no indication this was going to happen** … I have customers to deal with and **I’ve made no preparations**.”
The third quote is again from the same woman, Ann Marie Gooden.
* Ad: “The way they handled it was wrong.”
* Story: “I can understand downsizing and all of that,” Gooden said. “But I think **the way they handled it was wrong**.” She said she is upset that the company didn’t give employees notice before telling them to clear out their desks.
And finally, the fourth quote comes again from Gooden:
* Ad: “I have a family to think about… they eliminated me.”
* Story: “I’m a single parent, I have a family to think about,” she said. “They eliminated me, the position is still there.”
The story also notes that of the 33 positions cut at RightNow, eight were in Bozeman and 25 were from an office in Dallas, Texas.
**Got other examples of the Chronicle being quoted in political advertising? Send scans of them to me at