Following on the heels of a similar announcement from the secretary of state’s office, Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance Monica Lindeen announced today the creation of an online form for residents to report problems with their insurance.
The new form comes after a $1 million year-to-year increase in the amount of illegitimate premiums and unpaid claims Lindeen’s office returned to Montanans in 2011, according to a written statement.
In that year, her office returned $4.7 million to consumers who had claims wrongfully denied by their insurers.
The online system replaces a paper-based system that relied on mailing, faxing or sending a scanned copy of forms to the state. Last year, Lindeen’s office created an online reporting option for the insurance industry to streamline agent licensing and the collection of premium taxes, the statement said.
For more information on the new complaint form, visit the link above or call 800-332-6148.