Jenna Wortham at the New York Times gives us this article today, telling the stories of people who are living outside the Facebook empire.
Some of them have never joined up in the first place, but others have quit the site, saying that they are concerned about their privacy. Others worry about the growing gap between themselves and their real world friends. One former user told the Times “I was just seeing their pictures and updates and felt like that was really connecting to them.”
More interesting to me than the reasons people aren’t on Facebook are the comments from Susan Etlinger, analyst at the Altimeter Group. “People may start to ask the question that, if you aren’t on social channels, why not?” she told the paper. “Are you hiding something?”
Societal norms are shifting. That much is certain. Up in the air is whether or not you think the change is a good thing or a bad thing. So… What do you think?
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- Shunning Facebook, and Living to Tell About It (bits.blogs.nytimes.com)