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Idaho-developed iOS game lets you haze bison

Buffalo hazing

A new iOS game hopes to raise awareness of the “plight of the Yellowstone bison,” according to an announcement sent out by its developer.

The game, Buffalo Haze, asks you to take on the role of a wildlife manager tasked with hazing bison back into Yellowstone before their wintering lands are turned back over for cattle use. If you fail to haze them back into the park in time, the animated bison are slaughtered.

From the description on the game’s website:

Buffalo Haze has a unique and addicting game play. Using a herding mechanic, the game pits you against the clock to chase the bison back into Yellowstone National Park. The game dynamics feel very real as the bison respond to the managers just as any herd animal would. They get stuck in corners, don’t go where you want them to unless you are diligent about your character movements, get bunched up and don’t like to go through tight spots. Your characters are controlled by touching the character and dragging a path for them to follow. You can also double tap the character to “hyah”, which will scare the bison and is useful in getting bison moving through tight spots or out of corners when they are stuck.

The press release associated with the email has a Boise, Idaho, dateline and was signed Graham Carter. Judging by the location and the subject matter, the developer would appear to be this Graham Carter, who is helping the Boise-based group Advocates for the West build its online presence.

The website says Buffalo Haze will be in the App Store on Aug. 19.