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MSU student uses Kickstarter to raise money for film

A Montana State University filmmaking student is making a movie chronicling his young niece’s interactions with gadgets as part of an effort to understand the effect such gizmos have on children’s development.

Casey Kanode has the first six minutes of the film online. (You can watch it in the embed below.) Kanode made the film as part of earning his MFA in Natural History Filmmaking at MSU.

Kanode raised $1,380 on the venture capital-seeking site Kickstarter to fund the project. He used the money to pay for airfare to follow his 8-year-old niece back to her home in Virgina and to buy her a Flip camera to make her own science video journal.

According to an update on that site, the six-minute clip linked above is a rough-cut since he was not able to complete the editing by his May 4 deadline. He has until the end of June to finish.

I thought this was neat because a) it’s a local student making a neat movie about technology’s effects on children and b) he used Kickstarter to raise money for it. It was actually a little surprising to see how many Bozeman groups are using Kickstarter to raise money. Well, there are two active projects and a number of completed ones, but that’s more than the zero I expected.

It turns out other people know things about the Internet too. Weird.