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PBS hacked in retaliation for Wikileaks story

Just a quick note in case you missed it: Over the weekend, PBS was hacked by a group called lulzec, which placed a story on the PBS site claiming that rapper Tupac Shakur was alive and living in New Zealand.

Coverage here:

The hackers said in their statement that, well, just read it:

Greetings, Internets. We just finished watching WikiSecrets and were less than impressed. We decided to sail our Lulz Boat over to the PBS servers for further… perusing. As you should know by now, not even that fancy-ass fortress from the third shitty Pirates of the Caribbean movie (first one was better!) can withhold our barrage of chaos and lulz. Anyway, unnecessary sequels aside… wait, actually: second and third Matrix movies sucked too! Anyway, say hello to the insides of the PBS servers, folks. They best watch where they’re sailing next time.

Here’s the Frontline piece PBS did on Bradley Manning and Wikileaks that the hackers refer to.

The hackers also published to Pastebin details of the PBS network, including root passwords, internal IP addresses, email addresses, account passwords and more.

Frontline executive producer David Fanning said the hack was “a disappointing and irresponsible act. We have been very open to publishing criticism of the film, and the film itself included multiple points of view. Rather than engaging in that spirit, this is an attempt to chill independent journalism.”