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Only in print… for a day

We have a hell of a story coming at you in tomorrow’s paper. Reporter Gail Schontzler interviewed Georgia Smith, the woman who was shot five times outside her home near Livingston last month. Here’s a teaser:

LIVINGSTON — She lay on the cold ground, crumpled and bleeding and defenseless, as bullet after bullet hit her body.

And that’s just the first paragraph. The rest of the narrative is just as riveting, telling the story of what happened on Outlaw Hill that January day. I encourage you to read it as soon as you can.

That said, I hope you paid attention to my first sentence — “…in tomorrow’s paper.” That’s right. We’re holding this story off the Web for a day to give everyone a chance to read it in revenue-generating print first.

It’s the first time we’ve done this that I can remember. It likely will not be the last.

These digital days, when an exclusive lasts only as long as it takes to cut and paste it somewhere else, the Chronicle is going to try to capitalize on the truly special stories we produce. This is one of those stories, one that no one else is going to get, one that you can’t read anywhere else.

Until Monday, that is, when it will appear on our website and probably on the AP too.

Just remember who was first.