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Appearing in court via Skype

skype.jpgChronicle reporter and blogger Jodi Hausen wrote a post on her blog a couple of days ago that is worth a click and a few minutes of your day. Jodi is our cops and courts reporter, and on her blog she tries to write down a few of the light and tender moments that don’t make it into her daily reporting.

This light moment happened to involve technology, which is, of course, why it caught my eye.


In a Gallatin County court hearing today, when her case was called, a defense attorney marched up to the judge’s bench and placed her defendant on the bench in front of him in the form of her open laptop. The man, who was in Provo, Utah, was appearing via Skype — the internet video communication system.

My favorite part is the last line, a quip from the judge:

“You know, if we had one of these all the time, I could just stay home,” he said grinning broadly.

But don’t just take my word about how charming Jodi’s post is. Give her some link love and read the full post on her blog.