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The Chronicle’s Weekend Edition and other website updates

If you’ve ever been to the Chronicle’s website before, the odds are it wasn’t on a weekend. At least, that’s what we discern from looking at our Web traffic numbers.

Compared to the weekdays, the weekend traffic on the Chronicle’s site is miniscule. We’re hoping to change that by offering readers a new weekend version of the Chronicle homepage.

The weekend edition launched two weekends ago. It has a rearranged and simplified layout, putting photos, sports and entertainment news closer to the top of the page and in more prominent positions.

Check it out this weekend, and let me know what you think at

The magical rearranging page layout feature is a feature of the software that runs our website that we’re just starting to explore. You may see even more specialized versions of the Chronicle’s pages in the months to come. Stay tuned for more news.

More sports coverage

We have also expanded our sports coverage online. This includes prep scores, posted as the results come in. We’re starting modestly, with just Friday and Saturdays. If things go well, we may expand that to the games that happen on other days of the week.

More Bobcat football coverage

We’ve also added a special feature during Bobcat football season: a scoreboard that spans the top of the site. That scoreboard is updated during the games by the Chronicle’s sports writer Will Holden, who also live blogs the games on our Blue & Gold blog.

(Additionally, you can now get more Bobcat game news on our official Game Day page. That includes an early look at the Game Day section, hours before it hits the press and your doorstep.)

Facebook on Bozeman Talks

If you’re a user of our online discussion site Bozeman Talks, you may have noticed a new addition to the discussion pages: a Facebook recommendation button. This allows you to share any of the discussions with your friends on the country’s most popular social network. (An option to sign in to the site using your Facebook profile is in the works too.)

That’s about all the news about the website I’ve got for you today. Sorry for the dearth of posts. I hope to stay in the blogging saddle now that I’ve found my way back into it.

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