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Something of a milestone on Twitter

Twitter followersFor a few brief moments today, the Chronicle’s Twitter account hovered at something of a Twitter milestone, 5,555 tweets.

I’m sure I had a good reason for looking up our stats this morning, but as soon as I saw that pleasingly repetitive string of numerals, I forgot what it was and took a screenshot.

Also of note, and perhaps a sign that Twitter’s growth has reached its bounds in our area, our number of Facebook fans has surpassed our Twitter followers. Considering that the Twitter account got started much earlier and had the Bozeman explosion to kick start it, that’s something of a feat.

At any rate, I think that, between the time I started writing this post and the time I finish it, we’ll already be past 5,555 tweets, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Also, if you want to follow the Chronicle on Twitter, try our main account — or as I like to call it, Twitter with a human touch, our automated bot feed and our events feed.

Edit — I added a link to the Wikipedia entry for milestone simply because that term is used so often that I don’t think people stop to consider just what a milestone is.
