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AT&T ends Luke Wilson ad campaign

Luke Wilson in AT&T commercialWord comes today that AT&T is doing away with its nefarious (at least in my household) Luke Wilson commercials, the Associated Press reports (also at

The ads were “nefarious” in my household because in one of them — you might recall the one where he’s tossing all the postcards onto a giant U.S. map — Wilson implies that AT&T’s full slate of services is available in “Bozeman, Montana.”

AT&T technically has network coverage here, but try getting a non-jailbroken iPhone working properly in this city, or any other part of Montana. You’ll quickly learn the difference between technicalities and realities. This writer did.

Sigh. I really wanted an iPhone. But I digress.

The Associated Press says that AT&T has ended the series of ads, which was seen by many as a response to rival Verizon, which bashed AT&T’s network coverage in its own commercials.

The commercial battle between the companies broke with advertising tradition, said AP writer Emily Fredrix. Both companies slammed each other by name, which Fredrix said can turn customers off to the entire industry.